Wednesday 4 March 2015

Indian Traditional Embroideries

Talking about art and craft of India, Indian Embroideries are the one which comes in mind first. The Indian are and craft have become world famous.There is huge demand of Indian embroidered garments.Embroidery in India includes dozens of regional embroidery styles that vary by region. 

Embroidery is the surface ornamentation technique.The art of decorating fabric or other material with threads, wires or leather using a needle may be defined as embroidery. With the advent of refined machines, embroidery is possible by machines also, especially for mass production. But, it is the hand embroidery that continues to fascinate mankind. Traditionally, women have been practicing this art from time immemorial. It is not only use for apparel but it is also widely used to create unique decorative pieces of art.

Before I talk about embroideries of different states in India in detail I would like to mention few basic stitches one should know before learning any Indian embroidery. Yeah this is how i am taught by my teachers.

Few basic stitches are :

Sample of basic stitches

* Running stitch
* Stem stitch
* Chain stitch
* Blanket stitch
* Herring bone stitch
* Lazy Daisy
* Satin stitch
* Back stitch
* Feather stitch
* Bullion stitch
* French knot
* Fly stitch
* Couching
* Cretan stitch

Next I'll be talking about embroideries of India in detail one by one. Till then stayed tuned.

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