Thursday 5 March 2015


Before talking about other art and crafts of India I would love to share one of my projects.
This day’s many designers are working on concept of sustainability.  Sustainability is to sustain. Sustain natural resources and create garments/products which are less harmful to nature as well as humans.
Okay so for my final exam in semester 1 my theme was futurism. I had to create garment on this. Firstly, Futurism was an artistic and social movement which is the most important Italian avant-garde art movement of the 20th century that celebrated advanced technology and urban modernity.

So keeping in mind futurism and sustainability concept in my mind I Created FUSTAIN.Futurism+Sustainability=Fustain.

I made this garment with jute rope which is organic and colored it metallic silver which itself shows it is  futuristic garment.
FInal Garment

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